
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Goo Goo Dolls

My favorite picture of the night. It was perfect timing. This song the band was playing Name.
The two of us at the concert. Such a blast!!

The lights~~!

Spill Canvas. I was so glad that the Spill Canvas played as opening act that night. They did a wonderful job live and it was great to listen to their music. I fell in love with a few of their songs.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Time at the Park

Today while we played!!! Fun time in the park there were lots of kids around and you watched them play while you sat and played with your toys from time to time. The two of us had a lot of fun. We showed Aunt Chey, Whit, and Blair the park.
All the kids were far enough away that you couldn't see them anymore. So you decided to explore some things. You really wanted to pull some grass out of the ground and get some sticks to put into your mouth. I kept getting them out of your hands though. And I would put you back into the middle of the blanket to play with your turtle.

Somehow you were more interested in Mama's cup and straw at this point!

What a nice day time for a nap!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

On the Soccer Field

My sweet girl, Belle, you have made an impact in my life. I can admit that I never knew what love truely was until you came into my world. I am so grateful that every morning I wake up and I get to see your smiling face. I am so blessed to have you in my life.
Singing songs is probably your favorite thing to do at this point. If you're happy and you know it clap you're hands is always a pleaser. Although yesterday you started to scoot on your tummy just like an army crawl. I thought I was busy with you before, now things are going to get interesting!
All of my recent decisions have been for you. I know how much I love you because I put you ahead of my own needs and wants. It makes my life a lot simpler and easier to make decisions this way though. Is it the best decision for Belle? Yes, then that is the answer. On the soccer field everything and everyone vanishes except the field, the players, and the goals. This is what you are to me Belle, there are no distractions when it comes to you.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Why Creed is awesome....

YouTube - Creed - Lullaby

Creed has not always been my band of choice. But to my surprise is the band I listen to most. This is because the birth of my little girl Belle. She loves Creed! Almost every night we go to sleep listening to Lullaby. This song is great because on YouTube it has pictures of babies. Belle will lay on the bed next to my laptop and watch the babies on the screen and listen. It changes her attitude almost instantly when I turn on the song.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

47 days and counting...

** Sigh ** As I sit on my facebook page thinking of all of my wonderful friends in McCall. How I miss the days of waking up and saying I think I am going to take a drive and visit one of my friends today. I can see all of your faces in my mind, and when I think of home this is where I think of. Although empty my house on McGinnis is still my home.

The current situation of my life is as follows:

At the beginning of March I went to visit Monterey. This visit was a wonderful two weeks and the weather was amazing. Usually the weather here is cold and overcast. Considering the marine layer. Belle got to spend her first day at the beach. And I got to visit with some old friends.

After those two weeks ended I visited my wonderful sister Brooke and I instantly fell in love with my niece Jaylinn. Spending so many years away from my family has been very hard on me. I feel detached from them and I feel that they are from me as well. I just don't think they know, me. And to be in this situation makes me feel sad.

Belle and I are currently in Detroit, MI helping out my Mom as she gets better from her recent surgery. Although I don't do things like Mom would, I am trying to do my best! I recently found out that my parents will be stationed in Maryland.

So I have a few choices in life that I can only choose for myself. I have a lot of soul searching in the meantime to make my final decision but I have a feeling tonight I will get the answer I have been waiting for. And although McCall is not a card I currently have in my hand at this moment it is one I am hoping to draw in the near future.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Belle Annalise

Looking back on this past 6 months they have been a whirlwind. I am not sure what I ever did before you were born. The smiles and laughs you give are much more worth the pain and tears. You have taught me to be patient and kind, even when I feel like screaming and pulling my hair out. I realize that our journey has just begun together and that you have way more to teach me in life.


I give myself very good advice. But I very seldom follow it. That explains the trouble that I'm always in. Be patient is very good advice, but the waiting makes me curious. And I'd love the change, should something strange begin. Well, I went along my merry way, and I never stopped to reason. I should have known there'd be a price to pay, some day. Some day. I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it. Will I ever learn to do the things I should? Should I ever learn to do the things I should